New York Center of Truth For Better Living
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The New York Center of Truth for Better Living, Inc.
As a prerequisite to becoming a member, please read the following carefully:
An Invitation to Spiritual Experience: Membership in The New York Center of Truth Might be considered quite unique. In becoming a member, we make a personal commitment to studying the Universal Spiritual Principles taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ, with the objective of putting these principles into practice in our lives. We see Jesus as the example we wish to emulate and follow, and we believe we are inspired and empowered to do so. We believe this way of life will result in a more personal relationship with God and bring about definite, major improvements in ourselves and all our affairs.
Membership is open to all who wish to join.
Membership is a commitment to an active involvement in The New York Center Of Truth, through the support of its programs and needs.
Please print and complete the Application below and mail or fax it to the NYCOT church office. Once your application is received, a required Group Membership Orientation Session will be held and a date will be set for you to receive Spiritual Baptism.
Additional membership benefits include eligibility to vote at Annual General Meetings and the ability to hold a position of leadership in commitment service to the community.
577 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 (718) 940-8700 Fax: (718) 940-3390
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